Wednesday, September 29, 2010


It is a welcome step by the judiciary to pronounce the judgement after firce battle between various stake holder for over a century. People have lost faith in Political parties, Religious leaders and beaurocracy. Judiciary is the only hope to settle any dispute and people have firm believe in it.

Government should deal firmly with the trouble makers. And whatever the decision, it should not overpower our conscious and a desire to see a bright future for our children which is not only in Mandir-Masjid but in the economic development of our country.

Further, Ayodhya people are mature enough to settle their dispute amicably like a panchayat do. It should not be considered as national issue. And no outsider should be allowed to disturb their peace. Give them time to sit and talk to each other. Ram or Allah is not property of one community or relegion but they belong to humanity at large.


Vinod Luthra

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